"A Happy Home is but an Earthly Heaven"

A few years ago, I found myself standing in the middle of a messy living room... having just gotten upset with someone for something unimportant. The feeling in the house, at that moment, was not exactly what I would call heavenly. I remember thinking, "Hey! What happened? I planned on being a fun mom!" I decided then to focus on what I could do to create moments that would draw my family closer together, and make our home a heaven on earth... all while having fun in the process!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Buckets O' Love

At the beginning of the month, I put out a red bucket for everyone with their name on it. During the month we filled each other's buckets with love notes, Valentine's, and candy. One of my children really liked the idea of the Love Buckets, and was constantly putting "treasures" from her room into each of our buckets. I had planned for us to wait and empty the buckets on Valentine's Day, but the buckets were such a hit, that we had to empty them numerous times before then. It was simple, and fun, and helped increase the feelings of love and appreciation in our home.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Love Seat

We played a game tonight for Family Home Evening that was really fun. Our lesson was about loving one another as the Savior loved everyone, but the activity would work anytime (especially during the LOVE-ly month of February).  I placed a chair in the middle of the room, and each family member took a turn in the chair. While the family member was in the "love-seat", the rest of the family each thought of 3 things they loved about that individual. Then, one at a time we would tell 1 of the things we loved about them. The 2 rules were that we had to get up and look them in the eyes, and after we mentioned the thing we loved, we closed by saying "...This is one of the many things I love about you." At first, I thought the rules were kind of silly, but they really added to the special-ness of the game-- particularly with my older children. My favorite part of the game was my husband telling me what he loved about me.  It was nice for my children to be reminded how much he loves me, and I love him. It was wonderful to hear everyone speak so sweet to one another. The feeling of love and kindness was so strong in our home after we finished, and the sweetness lingered all night long.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Spread the Love

Last night, our Family Home Evening lesson was on Love One Another/ Serve those you Love. We talked about the parable of the Good Samaritan, and anwsered the question of "Who is my Neighbor?" For our activity, I presented a stack of paper hearts, and explained to the children that everytime they feel loved this week, I want them to write it on a heart, and stick it on the fridge. I have heard a lot of variations on this, but I think it is important to focus on how blessed our lives are as a result of the kindness of others. . . so I went that way. It has only been one day, and the love in our home has increased. I have seen family members go the extra mile in the kindness they are extending, and I have seen others become more aware of all the good around them. It is refreshing to focus on the positive. The hearts say things like, "Cameron said my outfit looks cute. This made me feel good." or "Dad works hard everyday, so we can have money, thanks Dad!." or "I got a BIG hug when I walked in the door today-- it was great." Our fridge is nearly covered, and we still have 6 days to go. Looks like I might need to cut out some more paper hearts! It was a simple idea, that took minimal work, and yielded great results! I recommend it to anyone whose family needs a little love-boost. I think it could work at anytime of year (not just February). I thought it might be just as fun to use paper shamrocks, and use a lesson about how LUCKY we are to be so blessed by others.

FHE: Spiritual Crocodiles

Preparation ahead of time:
Print and color 15 crocodiles.

On the front of the crocodile glue the negative "spiritual crocodile" statement (underlined). On the back of the crocodile glue the related quote. 

Hide the crocodiles around the room before FHE.

Crocodile quotes:

Listen to whatever type of music you want... the words don’t matter, its just the beat that is cool
Music is an important and powerful part of life. It can be an influence for good that helps you draw closer to Heavenly Father. However, it can also be used for wicked purposes. Unworthy music may seem harmless, but it can have evil effects on your mind and spirit. Choose carefully the music you listen to. Pay attention to how you feel when you are listening. Don’t listen to music that drives away the Spirit, encourages immorality, glorifies violence, uses foul or offensive language, or promotes Satanism or other evil practices.

It doesn't matter what type of games you play– they’re just games...not real life.
Whatever you read, listen to, or look at has an effect on you. Therefore, choose only entertainment and media that uplift you. Good entertainment will help you to have good thoughts and make righteous choices. It will allow you to enjoy yourself without losing the Spirit of the Lord. While much entertainment is good, some of it can lead you away from righteous living. Satan uses such entertainment to deceive you by making what is wrong and evil look normal and exciting. It can mislead you into thinking that everyone is doing things that are wrong.

Pornography wont hurt you. Its fun.
Pornography in all its forms is especially dangerous and addictive. What may begin as a curious indulgence can become a destructive habit that takes control of your life. It can lead you to sexual transgression and even criminal behavior. Pornography is a poison that weakens your self-control, changes the way you see others, causes you to lose the guidance of the Spirit, and can even affect your ability to have a normal relationship with your future spouse. If you encounter pornography, turn away from it immediately.

You should wear whatever is in style. Modest clothes are so old-fashioned.
Your body is God’s sacred creation. Respect it as a gift from God, and do not defile it in any way. Through your dress and appearance, you can show the Lord that you know how precious your body is. You can show that you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. Prophets of God have always counseled His children to dress modestly. The way you dress is a reflection of what you are on the inside. Your dress and grooming send messages about you to others and influence the way you and others act. When you are well groomed and modestly dressed, you invite the companionship of the Spirit and can exercise a good influence on those around you.

It doesn’t matter who your friends are...
Choose your friends carefully. They will greatly influence how you think and act, and even help determine the person you will become. Choose friends who share your values so you can strengthen and encourage each other in living high standards. A true friend will encourage you to be your best self.

Sometimes, its OK to tell a lie– especially if it keeps you from getting in trouble.
Be honest with yourself, others, and the Lord. When you are honest in every way, you build strength of character that will allow you to be of great service to God and others. You will be blessed with peace of mind and self-respect. When you are honest, you will be trusted by the Lord and by those around you. Dishonesty hurts you and usually hurts others as well. When you lie, steal, shoplift, or cheat, you damage your spirit and become less able to do good things. Be honest in your job, giving a full amount of work for your pay. Don’t rationalize that wrong is right, even though many people around you may think there is no harm in being dishonest. Being honest requires courage and commitment to do what you know is right.

Words don’t matter! Besides– everyone swears!
How you speak says much about who you are. Clean and intelligent language is evidence of a bright and wholesome mind. Use language that uplifts, encourages, and compliments others. Do not insult others or put them down, even in joking. Speak kindly and positively about others so you can fulfill the Lord’s commandment to love one another. When you use good language, you invite the Spirit to be with you. Always use the names of God and Jesus Christ with reverence and respect. Misusing their names is a sin. Profane, vulgar, or crude language or gestures, as well as jokes about immoral actions, are offensive to the Lord and to others. Foul language harms your spirit and degrades you. Do not let others influence you to use it.

Smoking and drinking are fun. Don’t follow the word of wisdom
Never use tobacco products, such as cigarettes, snuff, chewing tobacco, cigars, and pipe tobacco. They are very addictive and will damage your body and shorten your life. Also, do not drink coffee or tea, for these are addictive and harmful. Any form of alcohol is harmful to your body and spirit. Being under the influence of alcohol weakens your judgment and self-control and could lead you to break the law of chastity or other commandments. Drinking can lead to alcoholism, which destroys individuals and families. Any drug, chemical, or dangerous practice that is used to produce a sensation or “high” can destroy your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. These include hard drugs, prescription or over-the-counter medications that are abused, and household chemicals. Never let Satan or others lead you to think that breaking the Word of Wisdom will make you happier or more attractive.

Don’t serve a mission. Its such a long time and costs so much.
President Brigham Young taught, “When men enjoy the spirit of their missions and realize their calling and standing before the Lord and the people, it constitutes the happiest portions of their lives.” Elder Orson F Whitney promised, “There is no joy that can compare with that of a missionary who has been made the instrument for the salvation of a soul.” And President Ezra Taft Benson testified, “I have tasted the joy of missionary work. There is no work in all the world that can bring an individual greater joy and happiness.”

Why should I follow the prophet? He doesn’t understand me.
The Book of Mormon says: “A seer can know of things which are past, and also of things which are to come, and by them shall all things be revealed...” Through revelation, prophets are able to see things before they happen. The scriptures repeatedly demonstrate how those who listened to seers were blessed.

Obedience to the commandments (or your parents) shows you’re weak. Its OK to just do what you want– especially if you want it really bad.
God’s commandments primarily exist to produce happiness for his children and to help them avoid unnecessary pain. Our loving Heavenly Father commands us to avoid practices that produce unhappiness (dishonesty, anger, damaging our mind and body, etc.), and he also commands us to do those things that produce happiness and will help us become like Him (forgive, love, serve, be humble, etc.). There are a lot of commandments, but that also means there are a lot of blessings in store for us.

Its your body! You can treat it any way you want to.
Do not disfigure yourself with tattoos or body piercings. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced, they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings. President Gordon B. Hinckley has clearly said, “A tattoo is graffiti on the temple of the body. We discourage tattoos and also the piercing of the body.”

Honoring your Mother and Father is for losers!
Exodus 20:12 says,” Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Honor your parents by showing love and respect for them and by being obedient. Be willing to help in the home with chores that need to be done. Participate in family activities and traditions, including family prayer, family home evenings, and family scripture reading. These traditions strengthen and unify families. Set a good example for other family members.

Don’t say your prayers. Nobody is listening.
The LDS Bible Dictionary teaches, “The object of prayer is not to change the will of God, but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant, but that are made conditional on our asking for them.”

Don’t read your scriptures, they are a waste of time.
Those who listen to and obey the word of God, holding fast to it, will overcome the temptations of the adversary and make it to the celestial kingdom. The Book of Mormon teaches, “Whoso would hearken unto the work of God, and would hold fast to it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.”

Lesson:This was a really fun FHE. We began by watching a movie called spiritual crocodiles. It is found on the Book of Mormon Presentation DVD. This DVD is available at the LDS distribution center.

If you do not have access to this, you could show some crocodile attack clips found on you-tube.

I explained that spiritual crocodiles are vicious. They tell us lies, and attack our spirits.

Have the family find one crocodile at a time, read the lie on the front, then read the quote on the back (and discuss).

Alligator Jaws (these are triangle frosting-filled donuts)